Sunday, 20 January 2013

Location Permission

We have spoken to Sterling Williams Mum about using her house to film in, she has given us permission to use the house for out filming. We have also showed her the days that we will be going round on and Mrs Williams is happy for us to film during these days.

Saturday, 12 January 2013


After watching all of the films we are going to be basing out film on a thriller.  When looking at these films we notices that the genre of a thriller uses a lot of close ups and extreme close ups, this is because they don't want to give away to much information to early, this will keep the audience more interested within the film as they will want to know who that thing/ person is. So when we start filming ours, we are going to be using close ups and extreme close ups, to hide the identity of someone or something.

We also noticed when watching the thrillers that there was clean but fast passed editing going on. They wood focus on an object for a couple of seconds, then their would be a smooth cut to another object. Whilst this was going on the titles where being put  up on the screen. We are going to try and incorporates this into our own film. We're going to have some objects that will appear on the screen; for example we are going to have a cigarette, the smoke that is produced from this will have the title coming from it, this is a grate use of graphic match

Friday, 11 January 2013

Casting Decisions

This video will be informing the audience why we chose these people to play these parts within the film. The decision we made on who we had to play the characters where hard as we had to analyses the characters in detail to see who was the best suited for the role. This is one from the prospective of the director George Hook.

Character Description

This is a brief description of the characters that will be in the opening sequence.  This will allow you to get a good understand of the characters.

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Costume - Dress design

This is the dress that we want Sophie to wear, she will be playing the spirit. The colour lack represents the darkness of the character. Her hear will be draped over face to keep her identity secret from the audience.


*Spelling mistake on Distribution

This is quick film of our storyboard, this is what it may look like when we finish our film. This will give us a understanding of what the film will look like when it is done. Also when seeing this we know how much time each shot needs to be, we also can put the music over the top of it, seeing how well the music links into the film.


 We will be using white font with a black outlining, this will make it stand out. It will fade in and out of the smoke or object. The font will be staying the same size throughout the whole film. 


This is the idea we have for a souondtrack that we created ourselves for our opening sequence. It contains eerie synths which bring mystery to the film as well as water drips which is an aural match to the mise en scene when our protagonist is in the bath. It also makes the audience feel cold and isolated as well as water drops being related to torture. Of course, within the soundtrack you can hear the clear disequilibrium within the track leaving the audience feeling on edge and in suspense without even having to watch anything.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Props and Location

Props and location 

Location:  we will be setting our opening sequence in urban setting. We have chosen this as people can relate to where this may be going on, as they may also live in such an area, this then makes it more personal for the audience when watching. When we are in the house we are going to be using low key lighting, we will be only/ trying to use the light that is produced the the light sources within the house. We will be filming this during the night, this well all so create a scarier atmosphere when watching this, as when people see something black/ dark they think it is automaticly scary. Will will also use a wide range of different camera angles, types of shots to create a more scary/ tense atmosphere.


Black dress: this if for when the person will come out the bath and then write the writing on the mirror. 

Pills: We are going to be having some pills on the side. These are the pills that will be able to keep the characters problems under-control


Towel: for when the person comes out the bath.

Fake blood: this is going to be used when the person is laying in the bath and they look up and fall asleep but then wake up because blood has fallen onto the forehead.