Saturday, 16 March 2013

Question 6

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product? 

When doing this media project I have learnt to use different types of technology. When creating our blog we used a wide range of different methods to present our information. This is a list of what I myself have used so far: Prezi; this is where you create a mind map of all your ideas, put them in order. It starts with a title in the middle of the page then the camera will move the left when clicking anywhere on the page, this will then take you to your first idea then second ect. You can also add images to this. Slide Rocket: this is like powerpoint, you can add images and videos to it to make it more interesting. Go Animate: this software allows you to choose two characters that will talk to each other, all you need to do is type in the text that you want them to say and they will read it out in a conversation. The down side of this is that they speak in very broken English, so you should only use this when you are talking about small parts of information, not big bulks.  Embedded Youtube videos; this is just when you select a video from Youtube and add it to your blog this is could as could be showing you key information and being put into a video  making it more interesting for the viewer. Screencast: This is a good piece of visual media that I used in my blog. This is when you make your own video of what you want, you can show video's and different websites and talk about what is going on in screen, you are in control of what is going on. 

When creating our blogs all the technology that we used was new. I had never used any of the different types of visual media before, this was challenging for me as I had to learn how to use them correctly before I used them. At the end I think I have a good understanding on how to use these different sources of visual media. I have developed my skills on how to use them. All of these different sources have allowed me to produce creative piece of information when looking at, it has allowed me to produce a more creative blog that people should find interesting to view. When doing any of these presentation methods you have to think about what you are going to write before you write then, you may need to write down some information on paper then copy it up onto ant chosen presentation method. Some this when using Prezi I've had to go back and re-do as I have made it full visual so it could be improved. Some of the presentation methods are better than the others when doing a certain task, for example you wouldn't want to use go animate when you need to make a big chunk of information into a visual presentation, you are more likely to use Prezi 

When creating our opening scene we had to use different technology. Here is a list of the different equipment we used: MAC's: this helped us develop our films as it had the software we needed to use. Tripods; these helped us to steady the camera to improve our shots. Camera ( Moving and still images): this produced us will quality shots. Livetype: this helped us develop out titles and production company. Final cut: this helped us develop our film and add production company and titles. All the equipment that I used in the opening sequence was knew to me, I have never used it before. When using the technology I would like to think that I have developed my skills within in them. Using these new technology has enabled us to create a effective opening sequence, it has also allowed us to display it in out own unique way in-which we like. When using some on the equipment we had to think about what we were going do to before using it, some of the other equipment we just done it straight away and see whether it was good or not. For example when we where using the camera we had to think about what type of shot we was going to shoot, the we had to think where the camera would be best placed, we previously had drawn out what types of shots we would like to have so this aided us in our decision making. On the other hand when we was using Imovie we had to make the change then see whether it looked better on way or the other, so there was no planning behind it. This means sometimes when doing this we had to re-do stuff in Imove or when using the camera as we could of come up with a better position to have the camera.

When creating our music we all came up with ideas on how we would like the music to sound, then we all spoke about the music and bought our ideas together. As we had someone who is doing music A-Level and was more comfortable in using the technology that was needed to create the music, we gave them the task of crating the music. I had a go a editing the music and found it hard to use. The software that we used made us produce a creative piece of music that fitted well with of film. When creating the music we had to think about where different sounds where going to be placed so it would relate more to what was going on in the film, we had to experiment with different sounds to give it the best effect. We had to change the music a little when people gave us some feedback as they thought it may sounds better and be more effective if we had a different sounds in a certain section. The software that we used was all new to me, I have never used it before. 

When creating the titles of the opening sequence we used finial cut. Using this software was new to me as I had never used it before. Know I have used this software I have developed my skills when using it, I feel more comfortable than when I first started. When using this software it allowed us to produce something creative. For example we are able to make the font move across the page and spin around if we wanted it to. When creating our titles we were able to demonstrate our skills, for example we where able to make the font change its angle so it looks like it is written on the wall. We had to plan where we would like to put the fonts, we done this on out story board. When we put them on the film we had to double check if the looked good enough or if we had to change where they where placed to improve it. When asking people opinions on the placement of the titles they may of said to change them to a different place, this means we would then have to move them as it didn't look right in it original place.

-------------------------------------Audience feedback space---------------------------------------------

When looking at my blog I think I have used a wide range if different types of technology that will help me/us develop our film. I feel like I have developed my skills in all aspects of the technology that I have used throughout the creation and filming of the opening scene. I can still improve my skills with in certain areas, for example I could get a better understanding on how to improve my skills when creating music for our film, this will then aid me when making my own films in the future. I have used a wide range of different presentation methods that will keep the viewer interested in what they are reading or viewing.