Tuesday 30 April 2013

Question three

Question two

When creating our drama piece we decide to represent the social group that we could all relate, this is a teenager who is in the late teens, they live a normal life but due to his problems it makes it hard for him to do some things but he doesn't let it hold him back. It made it easier as we had a actor who is around the same age as our target audience so he can portray how he is feeling easier on screen to the audience.

We have represented this social group by the clothes that will be worn throughout the film. Also when making this film it was easier for us as we could all relate to different parts, so if we could relate to the character it would make it easier for the audience to relate to it as well, as they would be the same age as us. During our opening sequence the character had no clothes on so you could make a direct link to this but if it was made into a film we would of had clothing that would of made it easier for people to relate to it

These clothes reflect the fashion what is currently in at the moment, this will make it easier for people to relate to it

We didn't want to use any other social groups as it would be hard for us as we wouldn't have enough information to do so. During our opening sequence it is hard to tell what type of social group we are representing as you can see the clothes the person is wearing. Also you cant see or hear other things that might help you think what social group the character is in.

Tuesday 23 April 2013

Director's Commentary

Focus Group

After the focus group, we evidently learnt that we had reached many of our goals and aims which were previously set by us, prior to the actual creation of our opening sequence. This included aspects such as:

  • Making our audience want to watch on
  • Ensuring that we met all the conventional features found within an opening sequence
  • Ensuring that our editing and title sequences looked professional and that they were well placed within the frame
  • Appealing to our target audience
  • Ensuring that our overall opening sequence flowed well together
We also recieved some great criticisms and feedback such as making sure that the dynamics within one of our takes is well balanced and even, in comparison to the rest of the opening sequence.

Audience research powerpoint